Y Pwyllgor Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol

Health and Social Care Committee










                 13 March 2012

Dear Colleague


The National Assembly for Wales’ Health and Social Care Committee is undertaking a one-day inquiry into venous thrombo-embolism prevention in hospitalised patients in Wales. 


The purpose of this session is:

¡  To examine the implementation of the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) guidance and the 1000 Lives Plus risk assessment tool across Wales and its adequacy and effectiveness in preventing venous thromboembolism (VTE) in hospitalised patients. 

The Committee will also consider the effectiveness and utilisation of pharmacological and mechanical prophylaxis for VTE and where there are particular problems in the implementation and delivery of VTE prevention actions.


*Please note that this inquiry will focus on the prevention of hospital acquired thrombosis only.


Invitation to contribute to the inquiry


The Committee welcomes evidence from both individuals and organisations.  If you are responding on behalf of an organisation, please provide a brief description of the role of your organisation.


We will be holding a one-day oral evidence session in summer term 2012 so it would be helpful if you could indicate in your submission whether you would be prepared to give oral evidence, if invited. 


Generally, we ask for submissions to be made in writing because it is normal practice for the National Assembly to publish evidence provided to a Committee on our internet site so that it becomes part of the public record.  However, we are also able to accept evidence in audio or video format.  The Committee welcomes contributions in English or Welsh, and we ask organisations with Welsh Language policies / schemes to provide bilingual responses, where applicable, in line with their public information policies. 


If you wish to submit evidence, please send an electronic copy of your submission to HSCCommittee@wales.gov.uk.


Alternatively, you can write to: Committee Clerk, Health and Social Care Committee, National Assembly for Wales, Cardiff Bay, CF99 1NA.


Submissions should arrive by Friday 4 May 2012. It may not be possible to take into account responses received after this date.


For your information, the Committee has invited submissions from those on the attached distribution list. We would be grateful if you could forward a copy of the letter to any individuals or organisations that are not included on this list, but might like to contribute to the inquiry. A copy of this letter has been placed on the National Assembly’s website with an open invitation to submit views.


Disclosure of Information


It is normal practice for the National Assembly to publish evidence provided to a Committee.  Consequently your response may appear in a report or in supplementary evidence to a report.  The National Assembly will not publish information which it considers to be personal data.


In the event of a request for information submitted under UK legislation, it may be necessary to disclose the information that you provide.  This may include information which has previously been removed by the National Assembly for publication purposes.


If you are providing any information, other than personal data, which you feel is not suitable for public disclosure, it is up to you to stipulate which parts should not be published and to provide a reasoned argument to support this.  The National Assembly will take this into account when publishing information or responding to requests for information.


Yours faithfully

Description: MarkSignature


Mark Drakeford AC / AM

Cadeirydd / Chair


Distribution list


Health Boards

Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Health Board

Aneurin Bevan Health Board

Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board

Cardiff & Vale University Health Board

Cwm Tâf Health Board

Hywel Dda Health Board

Powys Teaching Health Board


Health Trusts

Public Health Wales NHS Trust

Velindre NHS Trust

Welsh Ambulance Services NHS Trust


Community Health Councils

Board of Community Health Councils in Wales

Abertawe Bro Morgannwg CHC

Aneurin Bevan CHC

Betsi Cadwaladr CHC

Brecknock and Radnor CHC

Cardiff & The Vale CHC

Cwm Tâf CHC

Hywel Dda CHC

Montgomery CHC


Official Agencies

Healthcare Inspectorate Wales

National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence

National Leadership and Innovation Agency for Healthcare

Wales Audit Office


Professional Bodies

British Medical Association

Chartered Society of Physiotherapists

College of Occupational Therapists

Royal College of General Practitioners

Royal College of Nursing

Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists

Royal College of Physicians

The Welsh NHS Confederation




Welsh Institute for Health and Social Care (WIHSC)

Cardiff University


Clinicians and relevant interest groups

Lifeblood – The Thrombosis Charity

Dr Simon Noble

Dr Beverly Hunt

Dr Rupin Araya

1000 lives plus programme

Welsh Orthopaedic Society

UK Thromoprophylaxis Forum

All Wales Thromboprophylaxis Group